How to Remove Scratches from Car Interior Plastic

how to remove scratches from plastic car interior

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No one likes scratches on their car, that’s a true fact. But with constant use, there are going to be some scratches here and there. But the good news is you can fix it quite easily. With our detailed step-by-step guide on how to remove scratches from car interior plastic, you’ll become a pro at this.

In this article, we’ll guide you through every step of the process. At the end of the article, you’ll know what you should and shouldn’t do.

So, without further ado, let’s start, shall we?

How to Remove Scratches from Car Interior?

A car plastic scratch repair is quite simple. Unlike other methods of how to fix scratches on plastic dashboards that mostly rely on a car interior plastic scratch remover kit, we’re going to show you a much better method. 

However, our method might take a few tries to perfect the repair. But don’t worry you won’t have to waste countless hours only for this purpose. 

You can keep the panel on the car if you want. But you do have to use masking tape to cover those areas. But we’d suggest you remove the entire panel from the car. 

This way it’s safe and you can fix any mistakes while doing the repair. That being said, let’s step into the process-

Step 1: Eliminate the High Spots

When there are multiple scratches on your vehicle, it often results in the plastic going far away from the scratches. 

The extra plastic makes kind of an uneven edge and high spot. So, the first thing you need to do is to remove those high spots from the affected areas. 

To do so, you can use anything from a razor blade to a piece of sandpaper. We’d suggest you use a razor blade. 

That way you’ll see what you’re doing and it’ll give you a better result. But make sure you keep your hands steady. 

Step 2: Clean Out the Panel

Before you go ahead and use any kind of paint or glue, you have to clean the panel. This will make sure that there are no oils that interfere with the process. 

Moreover, you’ll be saved from any kind of contamination that might get trapped from the repair. 

For a proper clean, you can opt for 70% isopropyl alcohol, degreaser or a dashboard cleaner will work too. 

After you’re done with the cleaning process, you should go ahead and use some prep spray. Doing so will ensure that the repair will hold on to the panel much better.

Finally, give the prep spray some time to properly and it’ll be ready for the step.  

Step 3: Restore the Texture

For restoring the texture, you’ll have to find a DIY car interior scratch remover. As there are many varieties, make sure you get the one that has glue sticks and a glue gun.  

Now let’s move on to the actual process. First, you’ll have to find an undamaged area in the interior. 

Then, spray a little dashboard cleaner over there and wipe the area. This will ensure that the area is clean and ready for the glue sticks. 

After you’re done with the cleaning, you should use some PDR glue on the glue sticks and put it on the undamaged area. 

Now, wait for some time to let it dry a little bit. However, don’t wait for too long as these things don’t take much time to dry. 

The timing is the most important part of this step. You see, the glue needs to be removed at the right time. It has to be hard enough to maintain the shape and texture while not sticking to the panel. 

Step 4: Use Some Putty on the Damaged Area

To apply the putty evenly on the panel, you can use either a spreader or a razor blade. We’d go for the spreader just so you know. 

Now, if you’re using the same razor blade as before, it’s essential that you scrape off any residue from it. 

Next, you’ll have to put in the texture tool. Remember the texture you created in step 3? Yeah, that one. Now, gently put that on the damaged area for restoring the structure. 

The moment you feel that the texture is right, you can stop and start letting it dry. However, if you don’t have much time, you can use a heat gun to speed up the process. 

Although it’s better not to do it. You never know if you’re going to damage the interior even more with the excessive heat from the heat gun. 

Step 5: Paint the Area

Now that you’ve made the perfect repair with the right texture, it’s time for some prep spray. Spray a thin layer of prep spray so that the surface holds on the paint perfectly. 

Before you start applying the paint, make sure to get the right color code of the surface. After that’s done, mask the surrounding areas. 

This is when you can start spraying the paint on the interior. After a light coat of paint, you should let it dry for at least 5 to 6 hours. 

That’s all about the car vinyl scratch repair process. If the repair’s not up to your liking, you can redo the entire process. After a few tries, it’ll be perfect.

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FAQs: How to fix Scratches on Plastic Dashboard

How do you remove scratches from hard plastic?

First, you’ll have to make sure the surface is clean. So, clean the plastic with a clean damp rag for a while. Next, use a mild abrasive such as baking soda or toothpaste on the damaged area. Finally, wipe the area with another rag and it shouldn’t have scratches.

Does toothpaste get rid of scratches on plastic?

Toothpaste is quite effective in removing shallow scratches from plastic surfaces. You can apply some toothpaste on a rag and rub it on the surface to remove the scratches.

How do you clean black car interior plastic?

First of all, you have to clean out any dirt or debris from the surface. Next, fill up a bowl with soap and water. Finally, take a piece of rag and wipe the surface after dipping into the soap mixture. 

How to polish car interior plastic?

You can use mild soap, laundry detergent, or plastic cleaning products to polish a plastic car interior. No matter what you do, make sure to dry the area with a piece of clean and dry rag.

Does WD-40 remove scratches from plastic?

At the end of the day, WD-40 is oil. So, when you put some oil on a surface, naturally, it’ll give a nice and glossy shine to it. In other words, it’ll look like a clear coat. But chances are it won’t remove any deep scratches.

How to Remove Scratches from Plastic Car Interior – Video Tutorial

However, if you don’t know how to do that, there are many videos on YouTube that’ll show you how it’s done.


So, that’s all we had on how to remove scratches from car interior plastic. We tried to make the guide as detailed as possible. But at the end of the day, we’re human so mistakes might be there.

That’s why we encourage you to head over to the comment section and tell us what’s bugging you. We’ll see what we can do for you.

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Yasin Mohammad CEO
Yasin Mohammad is a results-driven marketer and digital entrepreneur with expertise in creating data-driven strategies that enhance brand visibility and drive business growth. Combining innovation with market insights, Yasin specializes in delivering impactful campaigns tailored to meet diverse business needs.
